

Version: 2.1.4


HTML forms on performance-enhancing drugs

The ajax-form element adds some more power and features to traditional HTML forms. Also allows the <file-input> custom element (and any other custom element form fields that have a name attribute and a value) to be submitted along with other traditional form elements.
Check out the GitHub repository at https://github.com/rnicholus/ajax-form.

What's wrong with a traditional <form>?

  1. Form submission changes/reloads the page, and it's not trivial to properly prevent this.
  2. You can't send custom headers with a submitted form.
  3. You can't (easily) parse the server response after a form is submitted.
  4. Programmatically tracking invalid forms/fields is frustrating.
  5. You can't send form data as JSON.
  6. You have no opportunity to programmatically augment user-entered data before it is sent to the server.
ajax-form augments a traditional <form> to provide additional features and solve the problems listed above.

A very simple use of ajax-form looks just like a normal <form>, with the addition of an isattribute:

<form is="ajax-form" action="my/form/handler" method="post">
    <label>Enter your name: <input type="text" name="full_name"></label>

The inclusion of the is="ajax-form" attribute gives the <form> special powers, such as:

  1. Callbacks when form validation fails, just before the form is submitted, and after the server has responded.
  2. The ability to send custom headers to the server with the submit request.
  3. Prevention of a page reload/redirect on submit.
  4. The ability to include the <file-input> custom element as a <form> field.


Submit your form just as you would any other form. For example:
  1. Via an <input type="submit">.
  2. Via a <button type="submit">.
  3. By calling submit() on the <form> element.
If you are, for example, using a <paper-button>, you'll need to attach a click handler to the button and submit the form when this handler is invoked.

Integration with <file-input> custom element

Want a better <input type="file"> element that can be easily styled, has built-in, customizable validation, and provides an improved API? Check out the <file-input> custom elementajax-form allows <file-input>custom element to be submitted along with other standard form fields. Just include your <file-input> element as a child of your <form is="ajax-form">. That's it!
As an added benefit, ONLY valid files (not those that have failed any validation rules setup in your <file-input>element) will be sent along with the request!

Integration with generic custom elements form fields (such as <paper-input>)

You can easily submit a <paper-input> or <core-input> element. Just place it in your <ajax-form>, and be sure it has a name attribute. In fact, any custom element form field with a name attribute can be handled by <ajax-form>, provided the value to send to the server is exposed via a value property on the element.

Integration with <paper-dropdown-menu> & <core-dropdown-menu>

<paper-dropdown-menu> and <core-dropdown-menu> elements can be submitted too! Just place one or more of these element in your <ajax-form> and be sure to include a name attribute.

Modifying the data to be submitted

You have an opportunity to do this by registering a "submitting" event handler. All data in the form, parsed into a JavaScript object (keys = field names, values = field values) will be included on the event's detail.formDataproperty. You can modify formData however you wish. Your changes will represent the actual data submitted to your endpoint. Note that files, if applicable, will be included in this object as well!

Handling the request server-side

If you include a <file-input> field, files will be sent with a name according to the name attribute on the <file-input>. If more than one file has been selected, the name attribute for each file in the request will include a "[]" at the end of the name string.

Cross-origin form submits (CORS)

Please note that all forms are actually "submitted" using XMLHttpRequest. This means that your server must include appropriate CORS headers in the response if you want access to the response data IF THE REQUEST IS A CROSS-ORIGIN REQUEST. Also, requests with custom headers will be preflighted as well, so your server must handle these correctly.  Read more about CORS on Mozilla Developer Network.


<string>default: ''
Same as the action attribute of a non-ajax <form>. This will hold the path to your server that is set to handle the request.
<form is="ajax-form"
The above form will be submitted to the "form/handler" endpoint server on the current domain.
Only applicable for cross-origin form submits. If included, cookies will be included with any cross-origin form submit request. If not included, cookies will NOT be sent with any cross-origin form submit request.
<form is="ajax-form"
The above example will ensure that cookies are included with the request that is sent when the form is submitted to the origin reference in the action attribute (which presumably is a domain different than the one hosting the form).
<string>default: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
The encoding type for the underlying request's message-body.
<form is="ajax-form"
The above form will be submitted as a multipart encoded POST request. By default, without an enctype specified, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is assumed. GET requests will not have a body, and the form fields will be URL encoded as URI query parameters.
Supported enctype values are:
NOTE: For "application/json" forms, form fields that share the same name will be represented as entries inside of a mutli-dimensional array. For example, if there are two text inputs, both with a name of "someName", with the first input having a value of "foo" and the second "bar", the entry in the submit request will be 'someName': [['foo'], ['bar'].
<Object>default: null
Custom headers to be sent with the form submit request. The value must be a JSON Object containing header names and values.
<form is="ajax-form"
    headers='{"X-Cust-Header": "FooBar"}'>
The above form will be submitted with an "X-Cust-Header" header that contains a value of "FooBar".
<string>default: 'GET'
Same as the method attribute of a non-ajax <form>. The method to use when sending the request. Currently, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE are allowed.
<form is="ajax-form"
The above form will be submitted as a PUT request.


If your form has one or more fields with an HTML5 validation attribute (such as required), this event will be triggered once after a submit attempt if any of the fields do not pass validation checks. All invalid field elements will be passed in an array represented by the detail property of the event passed to your handler.
    function(event) {
        event.detail.forEach(function(badEl) {
            // handle invalid element
Invoked after the form has been submitted and a response has been received from the server. The associated XMLHttpRequest instance used to send the request will be passed to your event handler on the event's detail property.
    function(event) {
        if (event.detail.status > 299) {
            // submit has failed
Invoked after the form has passed all validation checks, and just before the request is sent. A JavaScript object representing the parsed field data will be attached to the detail.formData property. If you would like to modify or add to the form data before it is sent to the server, do so here by making changes directly to detail.formData.
To prevent the form from being submitted, simply invoke the preventDefault()function on the Event object passed into your handler function.
NOTE: Do not deviate from the flat structure of the data unless the enctype is "application/json". Doing so for other encoding types may produce surprising results.
NOTE: Form fields that share the same name will be represented as entries inside of a mutli-dimensional array. For example, if there are two text inputs, both with a name of "someName", with the first input having a value of "foo" and the second "bar", the entry in the detailFormData object will be 'someName': [['foo'], ['bar'].
    function(event) {
        var formData = event.detail.formData;
        // optionally modify formData...